Published Aug 1965 by DC.
Written by John Broome. Art by Sheldon Moldoff and Joe Giella. Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. The Midnight Raid of the Robin Gang!; Dick tries to talk one of his friends out of dropping out of school and stumbles into a crime spree, masterminded by Al Craig; Craig plans to use drop-outs, dressed as Robin, to commit burglaries all over Gotham at midnight. Written by John Broome. Art by Carmine Infantino and Sid Greene. The Bandits and the Baroness! starring Ralph Elongated Man Dibny and his wife, Sue Dibny. Missive from letter hack Guy H. Lillian III. Rocky and Bullwinkle star in a one-page Cheerios ad. 36 pages, full color. $0.12. Cover price $0.12.
Detective Comics 342 FN